Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Day 3 Odessa, Washington (81 miles)

Hi, It's Patty again. Chuck called earlier tonight and sounded very, very, very tired. He said that the day was brutal on everyone. He didn't get started until 8:30 am because breakfast was order off the menu at the Golden Harvest. He said it took a long time to take everyone's orders and to make the food. He left his home fries on his plate since he was biting at the bit to get started.

They didn't go over the Columbia River Gorge Bridge in mass but individually. He said that at the top of the climb out of the Gorge a headwind hit him and didn't let up all day. He was only able to go about 11 mph all day. Also, it was hot and dry in the high desert with nothing to see but sage brush for miles and miles. He got into Odessa after 4pm. Dinner was Pasta at the Odessa School... He said he will text me some pics from his phone tomorrow.

Added to day 3: This is from Chuck's Face Book:

Chuck Field Long hot day in the saddle, 83 miles from Vantage WA to Odessa WA headwind the entire trip. 90 plus degrees. Far cry from the upper 50s that I left behind in Puyallup. I do the heat. 77 miles to Spokane tomorrow. sorry but no photos. I will post them on my rest day. Life is good. Good night. I am pooped.

Kevin Stone
Met a 1998 big rider and the parent of a 92? this week.

Rosie Browne
Ride on Big Rider!

Leslie Field Glad you made it on the ride. Keep us updated!

Diana Taylor-Williams I'm jealous. Have a great ride, enjoy your rest day in Spokane, and I look forward to more updates!

Camp at Odessa

1 comment:

  1. Go Chuck Go! Patty, thanks for posting the mail stop list. I'm gonna send something for sure!

    -Tonja Big Rider 2005


Please leave your comments, thoughts, feedback, and other messages to Chuck. Your comments are directly forwarded to his email.